Valia Karagiorga
Actress, Singer
A graduate of the Drama School of the National Theatre of Greece and the Athens School of Medicine (NKUA), she has studied modern and classical singing, dance and free drawing. She completed her medical training in the faculties of psychiatry and child psychiatry over the past seven years in New York City, where she also conducted research work, worked as a psychiatrist-child psychiatrist in university institutions and clinics, and currently holds an adjunct faculty position-assistant professor in the psychiatry department. In addition, she continued her classical studies in singing in New York City with baritone Stefanos Koroneos, artistic director of the Teatro Grattacielo, and studied as a member of the New York City Camerata Bardi Vocal Academy. She has participated as an actress / singer in performances at the National Theatre of Greece, Athens Epidaurus Festival, and the free theatre. Moreover, she has participated in Seton Hall University’s Classical Concert Series in New Jersey, USA, and in other concerts in Greece and New York. Since 2021 she permanently resides in Greece. // Last update of the biography: October 2022 - The list of the productions below is complete.