Florian Pappas
He was born in Albania and studied at Tirana’s Liceu Artistik Jordan Misja and at the State School of Dance in Athens. He also took dance lessons at the John Neumeier Ballet Center, Hamburg. He has collaborated with modern dance groups and is a member of the GNO Ballet since 1996. He has participated in a number of choreodrama productions, including: Giselle, American dream [Amerikaniko oneiro] (Nicholaou/Demetriou/Rigos, 2006/07), Chopin in love (2013/13), etc. He has also participated in choreodramatic parts in operas, such as: Hansel and Gretel [Hänsel und Gretel] (1996/97), Carmen (Herodeion, 2007), Maura – Seven Deadly Sins [Die sieben Todsünden] – Gianni Schicchi (2007/08), etc.