Christopher Franklin
Born in San Francisco, he appeared in opera houses throughout the world including Vienna, Rome, Torino, Geneva, Munich, Frankfurt, Hamburg, London, Miami and Moscow. His repertory includes works of classic and modern repertory. He has worked with leading orchestras including Sydney SO, West Australian SO, Munich SO, National Philharmonic of Russia, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, London, La Monnaie Orchestra, Bruxelles, and Toscani SO. His awards include the first prize at the 1997 International Conducting Competition ‘La Bottega’, Treviso, the Gino Marinuzzi Award and ‘Franco Ferrara’ Award of L’Accademia Musicale Chigiana, Siena. He has recorded many operas of Rossini at the Rossini Opera Festival in Wildbad, Germany. // Last update of the biography: March 2008 - The list of the productions below is complete.