Evangelos Mamias
He was born in 1902 and passed away in 1943. He first appeared in 1925 with the Marika Kotopouli theater group, with whom he collaborated until 1930. Subsequently, he was recruited by the Royal Theatre group (1930-1942) and he appeared in major and minor roles of 36 plays, including: Babylonia, The School for Scandal [Sholio kakoglosias], The Bourgeois Gentleman [Le Bourgeois gentilhomme] by Molière, Servant of Two Masters [Il servitore di due padroni] by Goldoni, The Government Inspector, The Barber of Seville [Le Barbier de Séville] by Beaumarchais, King Lear, Hamlet, The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare and others. Furthermore, in 1930 he appeared in the movie For Her Love [Gia tin agapi tis] by Vassilios Peridis. During the period from 1940 to 1941 he appeared in productions of the newly established NGO: The Bat [Die Fledermaus] (as Lawyer Blind) and Boccaccio (as Scalza). In 1942, a year before his death, he joined the group of Katerina Andreadi.