Valentina Tamiolaki
Lighting designer
Born in Heraklion, Crete, she studied theatre at the School of Philosophy in Athens and music at the National Conservatory of Halandri. She holds a Master of Arts in lighting design (RCSSD, University of London) and is a PhD candidate at the Department of Theatre Studies of the NKUA. Since 2007, she has designed lighting for many theatre, dance, opera, site-specific performances, art music concerts, puppet theatre and visual installations at the National Theatre of Greece, Municipal Theatre of Piraeus, Onassis Stegi, Athens Concert Hall, Athens Epidaurus Festival, School of Fine Arts, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, as well as in many independent venues of the free theatre. In recent years she has also been active in the field of architectural lighting. She has collaborated with the Greek National Opera in the productions Stefanos Lazaridis: cynical romantic (2018), The Princess and the Pea (2018), Sacred Music Days (2019), Τhe Silent One (2019), The First Love (2019), Winter’s Day Dream (Lyrikos Notos Festival, 2021). // Last update of the biography: September 2022 - The list of the productions below is continually updated.