Andreas Nezeritis
He was born in Patras, Greece, on 30/11/1897, where he received his first piano lessons from the pianist and composer Antigone Papamicropoulou. In 1913 he composed his first pieces for piano, entitled Protolia (Opus 1-21). At the age of 20, he moved to Athens and continued his musical studies in piano at the Athens Conservatoire with Leda Evlabiou-Vautier. He then continued his piano lessons with Ludovicus Wassenhofen and then with Spyros Farantatos. At the same time, he attended music theory courses with Philoctetes Economides (harmony and counterpoint) and with Dionyssios Lavrangas (fugue, orchestration and composition), by whom he was particularly influenced in his artistic development and compositional style. He was a a founding member of the Greek Composer’s Union, which was inaugurated on 8/6/1931. On 6 December 1952 Nezeritis was awarded by the Academy of Athens for his symphonic compositions: Prelude to Five King David Psalms (1946) and two symphonic excerpts from the musical legend King Sunless [O vasilias aniliagos] (1933). Moreover, on 16/12/1966 he was honored with the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of George I. On 23/12/1971, in a ceremony organized by the Academy of Athens, he was awarded a silver medal and prize money for his work play Hero and Leander (1964), which was premiered by the Greek National Opera on 12 November 1970. On 27 March 1948, the musical legend Sunless King king [O vasilias aniliagos] was also premiered by the Greek National Opera. As a composer he belongs to the Greek National School. His compositions include concertos, orchestral and choral works, works for piano and chamber music, as well as three operas. He passed away on 19 /11/1980 in Athens. // Last update of the biography: October 2023 – The list of the productions below is complete.