Minos Volanakis

Director, Writer, Trasnlator
He was born in Athens in 1925 and studied drama at the Giannoulis Sarantidis School. During the civil war he translated plays for the theater companies of Katerina Andreadis and Carolos Coun. Under a scholarship from the British Council (1954) he majored in directing in London, where he began an international career as a director of works by ancient Greek as well as modern writers. He then went to the USA, where he directed plays for universities and private theaters. In Greece he directed for the first time in the 1960s for the National Theater of Northern Greece (in works by Yiorgos Theotokas, Henrik Ibsen, Samuel Beckett) and at the Athens Festival (Lysistrata). He was engaged in the free theater, staging works by Jean Genet, Bertolt Brecht, Harold Pinter, Anton Chekhov, etc. During the dictatorship he moved to London, teaching and directing, working with actors such as Vanessa Redgrave, Glenda Jackson and he discovered Sean Connery. Returning to Greece he became general director of the NTNG (1975 -1977), where he directed the tragedies Electra by Sophocles (Anna Synodinou), Medea by Euripides (with Melina Mercouri), etc. For the GNO, he directed the productions Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny by Kurt Weill and L’incoronazione di Poppea (1977/8). He contributed to the transformation of old quarries into theater spaces (1982), introducing the “Feasts of the Rocks” (Vironas, Nikaia, Petroupolis). The same year he directed Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex for the National Theatre. He represented Greece in Europalia and the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. He distinguished himself as a translator of English plays, as well as of Greek classics into English. He died in Athens on 15/11/1999. // Last update of the biography: December 2020 - The list of the productions below is complete.